Friday, March 28, 2025
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Waking Ned (Waking Ned Devine)

Film Stats Locations Reviews
One of the most memorable films filmed on Mann.
The story is of a whole Irish village and Ned Divine who had filled in the "big" winning lottery ticket. Only snag is that Ned is recently deceased and requires to be brought back to life in order to claim his winnings.
It would be a pity to tell more of this excellent film which is very Irish and shows some lovely scenes of the most beautiful corners of the Isle of Man.
To this day, Cregneash has a green telephone cabin (albeit with UK crown on it) in keeping with the Irish colouring.
A wonderful and funny film and a strong recommendation to hire it at your local videotheke.

Many thanks Gari fo your submission.

What a wonderful film Waking Ned! I just recently saw the movie and I was truly delighted with it. I'm from the USA, Avon, Indiana and I listen everyday to Manx Radio and just love hearing about your place on the world. Someday my hopes to vist your island and take in all that you offer.
Waking Ned was so good that I made a point to watch it twice and would love to be able to get a copy of it. Films like Waking Ned and filming moves on your wonderful island helps viewers like myself to escape the world we live in today. It reminds us the there still a wee bit of peace let in the world.
Please I ask of you to continue filming on your island but more then that please continue making such wonderful films as Waking Ned.
I wish you and all of the Isle of Man the best of luck.
Fred Taylor Avon, Indiana, USA

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