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Churchill, The Hollywood Years Churchill, The Hollywood Years Churchill, The Hollywood Years

PRODUCER Jonathan Cavendish and Ben Swaffer (Little Bird Productions and Pathe Pictures)
DIRECTOR Peter Richardson
STARRING Christian Slater, Neve Campbell, Miranda Richardson, Harry Enfield, Anthony Sher, Leslie Phillips, Mackenzie Crook, Vic Reeves, Steve Pemberton, Bob Mortimer.
FILMED April/May 2003
A wartime spoof movie about Winston Churchill. It follows the adventures of a US soldier, who happens to have the same name as the famous British leader. When a US movie group arrive in the UK to shoot a film about the great British wartime Prime Minister, they are surprised to discover Churchill is being played by a fat, unattractive man. Set on replacing him, they bring in their own actor, the name sake American GI, who is set on freeing the world from the Nazis. Based on the Comic Strip, Churchill the Hollywood Years by Peter Richardson.
TYPE Comedy
RUN TIME 88 Minutes
COST £5.5 million

Churchill - The Hollywood Years [2004]
Pathe Distribution Ltd, VHS Tape, 28 March, 2005
List Price: £9.99
New Price: £9.99
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Churchill - The Hollywood Years [2004]
Peter Richardson
Pathe Distribution, DVD, 28 March, 2005
List Price: £15.99
New Price: £4.97
Used Price: £0.56
Third Party Price: £2.49
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Other Guides by Maxima Systems Ltd: Disney World