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The Martins (Tosspot)

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The Martins

PRODUCER Greg Brenman, Dixie Linder, Bruce Davey (Tiger Aspect Pictures Limited)
DIRECTOR Tony Grounds
STARRING Lee Evans, Kathy Burke, Linda Bassett, Eric Byrne, Terri Dumont, Frank Finlay, and Lennie James
FILMED July 2000
Robert Martin is an unemployed optimistic. He enters loads of competitions dreaming about how much better life will be when he finally wins. Given that the family home is next to the M25, the Martin's are not living the good life. Though all that is about to change when Robert wakes one day to find that his dream holiday from a newspaper competition has been snatched away from him. Taking what he believes to be rightfully his, Robert steals the winning prize from the legal winners under the idea that all he ever wanted to do was give his family everything they deserved. Soon the Martin family consisting of Robert, his wife Angie, their two children and mother in law are off to the Isle of Man. But things are not as easy as that when you are Robert and your children are Katie and Little Bob. The holiday is set to be a family adventure with more then they expected.
TYPE Comedy
RUN TIME 86 Minutes

The Martins [2001]
Tony Grounds
Icon Home Entertainment, VHS Tape, 19 August, 2002
List Price: £10.99
Used Price: £1.44
Third Party Price: £3.98
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The Martins [2001]
Tony Grounds
Icon Home Entertainment, DVD, 18 March, 2002
List Price: £13.99
New Price: £13.99
Used Price: £4.85
Third Party Price: £8.15
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