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Darkness Falls (Dangerous Obsession)

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Darkness Falls (Dangerous Obsession) Darkness Falls(Dangerous Obsession)

PRODUCER Alan Latham, Clifford Haydn-Tovey and James Gibb (Film Development Corporation)
DIRECTOR Gerry Lively
STARRING Ray Winstone, Sherrilyn Fenn, Tim Dutton and Micheal Praed.
FILMED September/October 1997
Mark Driscoll is businessman who owes so much money his life is at risk. Sally, his wife, has money, but will not be throwing anymore in his direction. In an attempt to pay debts Mark invites a rich friend for dinner, but the night is not going to be as planned. Before the friend arrives, a stranger does and takes the Driscoll's hostage. As the stranger's story comes out, so does Mark's past sins and Sally may decide to switch sides. A tale of revenge and grief, life and death. Based on the stage play.
TYPE Drama/Thriller
RUN TIME 96 Minutes

Darkness Falls [1998]
Gerry Lively
MGM Entertainment, VHS Tape, 29 January, 2001
List Price: £7.99
Used Price: £2.12
Third Party Price: £2.12
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Darkness Falls [1999] (REGION 1) (NTSC)
Gerry Lively
Lions Gate, DVD, 23 April, 2002
Used Price: £4.31
Third Party Price: £4.45
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Darkness Falls [1998]
Gerry Lively
Siren DVD, DVD, 21 April, 2003
List Price: £9.99
Used Price: £16.99
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Dangerous Obession (Acting Edition)
N.J. Crisp
Samuel French Ltd, Paperback, April, 1989
ISBN: 0573016828
List Price: £6.95
New Price: £8.94
Used Price: £63.58
Third Party Price: £7.99
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