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Dreaming of Joseph Lees

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Dreaming of Joseph Lees
Dreaming of Joseph Lees Dreaming of Joseph Lees Dreaming of Joseph Lees

PRODUCER Christopher Milburn
DIRECTOR Eric Styles
STARRING Samantha Morton, Lee Ross, Lauren Richardson, Felix Billson, Rupert Graves, Holly Aird, Frank Finlay, Miriam Margolyes and Nick Woodeson.
FILMED January/February 1998
It is 1958, and Eva's trapped in a small Somerset village. Working as a secretary Eva is dreaming of her second cousin Joseph Lees, who she met long ago after he had lost his leg in an accident at the marble quarry. Joseph, a geologist, travels the world. He has a love of art and books, and has unknowingly become a romantic image for Eva. Life is not lived on dreams, though and when Harry, a local pig farmer begins to show an interest, Eva does not refuse him. After a time Eva agrees to move in with him, but refuses to marry him and give up her dreams. Everything seems fine between Harry and Eva until at a family wedding, when Eva encounters Joseph again.
TYPE Romance
RUN TIME 92 Minutes

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