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The Tichborne Claimant

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The Tichborne Claimant
The Tichborne Claimant The Tichborne Claimant

PRODUCER Tom McCabe and Chris Payne (Bigger Picture Company)
DIRECTOR David Yates
STARRING John Kani, Robert Pugh, Sir John Gielgud, Robert Hardy, Stephen Fry, Rachel Dowling, Dudley Sutton and Anita Dobson.
FILMED June/July 1997
Based on the true story of a Tichborne's claim to a family fortune during the late 19th century. Lord Tichborne, the ninth richest nobleman in England, disappears in a shipwreck. Years later, his mother refuses to believe him dead and sends family servant Andre Bogle to Australia, where Tichborne is rumoured to have survived and settled. Bogle finds a claimant and brings him back to England. There the family accepts him and his claim to the family position and fortune. All seems to be well, until the death of Lady Tichborne. A long court case follows as the claimants identity is attacked and defended.
TYPE Drama
RUN TIME 94 Minutes
COST $4 million

TheTichborne Claimant (1998)
David Yates
VHS Tape, 11 June, 2001
List Price: £12.99
Used Price: £2.73
Third Party Price: £12.99
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