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LD50 (Lethal Dose)

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Lethal Dose (LD 50)

PRODUCER Alistair Maclean Clark, Basil Stephens (Random Harvest)
DIRECTOR Simon De Selva and Matthew McGuchan
STARRING Melanie Brown, Tom Hardy, Katharine Towne, Leo Bill.
FILMED November 2002
A group of animal rights activists attempt to liberate animals from a factory warehouse in the countryside. But the group soon find themselves trapped inside and become the subjects of experiments themselves. Things get bad and everyone ends up coming undone as they look for a way out.
TYPE Psychological Horror
RUN TIME 93 Minutes
ORIGINAL RELEASE MIFED 2003, November 9th 2003

LD50 [2003]
Simon De Selva
Touchstone Home Video, DVD, 06 February, 2006
List Price: £15.99
New Price: £4.97
Used Price: £1.98
Third Party Price: £2.00
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