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Gabriel and Me (Jimmy Spud)

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Gabriel and Me (Jimmy Spud)
Gabriel and Me (Jimmy Spud) Gabriel and Me (Jimmy Spud)

PRODUCER Marc Samuelson/Peter Samuelson (Samuelson Films IOM Limited)
DIRECTOR Udayan Prasad
STARRING Billy Connolly, Rosie Rowell, Iain Glen, Sean Landless, David Bradley.
FILMED July 2000
Set in the north of England, the story is of life through the eyes of an eleven year old boy. Jimmy Spud is an imaginative boy, who dreams of being an Angel and understanding the life beyond. Living with his family on the black side of Newcastle. Jimmy longs for the love and attention he knew before the economical depression set in. For the days when his father was not an unemployed shipyard worker and for the times before he was diagnosed with lung cancer. Jimmy is seen through the troubled times with the help of his grandfather and the Angel Gabriel as he goes on to discover more about himself and the world he lives in.
TYPE Comedy/Fantasy
RUN TIME 84 Minutes

Gabriel And Me [2001]
Udayan Prasad
Pathe Distribution, VHS Tape, 09 September, 2002
List Price: £5.99
Used Price: £3.14
Third Party Price: £14.99
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Gabriel And Me [2001]
Udayan Prasad
Pathe Distribution, DVD, 09 September, 2002
List Price: £12.99
New Price: £3.97
Used Price: £2.98
Third Party Price: £3.14
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