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Stiff Upper Lips (Period !)

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Stiff Upper Lips (Period)

PRODUCER Jeremy Bolt and Gary Sinyor (Ivory Hall Productions)
DIRECTOR Gary Sinyor
STARRING Sir Peter Ustinov, Prunella Scales, Georgina Cates, Samuel West, Brian Glover, Frank Finlay, Robert Portal, Richard Braine and Sean Pertwee.
FILMED February/March 1996
It is 1908 and in the heart of the English countryside romance is blooming. Aunt Agnes is eager to marry off her young niece, Emily, to a nice, rich man of the right class. Eager to help his sister along, Edward brings his good friend Cedric for tea. Emily, however, is not having any of it and after a public outburst, her Aunt decides to take the party abroad. Love is still in the air across the seas as Emily takes an interest in a servant and Aunt Agnes is drawn to an eccentric uncle of Cedric. All the action and romance is bound to end in marriage.
TYPE Comedy
RUN TIME 94 Minutes
COST $5.7 million

Stiff Upper Lips [1998]
Gary Sinyor
Warner Home Video, VHS Tape, 04 June, 2001
List Price: £5.99
Used Price: £11.99
Third Party Price: £25.90
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Stiff Upper Lips [1998] (REGION 1) (NTSC)
Gary Sinyor
Miramax, DVD, 12 September, 2000
Used Price: £4.62
Third Party Price: £4.79
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Stiff Upper Lips: film soundtrack [SOUNDTRACK]
Premier, Audio CD, 08 June, 1998
List Price: £13.99
Used Price: £6.99
Third Party Price: £6.94
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