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The Brylcreem Boys

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The Brylcreem Boys The Brylcreem Boys

PRODUCER Paul Madigan (Rough Magic Films Sherwood Ltd) and Alan Latham
DIRECTOR Terence Ryan
STARRING Bill Campbell, William McNamara, Angus MacFadyen, John Gordon Sinclair, Gabriel Byrne and Jean Butler.
FILMED August/September 1995
In 1941, the Republic of Ireland government made a deal with the Germans and English for World War II. In this deal, any soldier found on Irish soil would be put into a POW camp for the duration of the war. This deal and its effects would be put to the test when two men from opposite sides find themselves in the same camp after fighting a battle in the sky. The comfortable living standards and freedom day passes only add to the conflicts, as the two fighting sides are forced to live together in peace. Thing only heat up more when an independent minded Irish woman takes the eye of both interned pilots, war may not be as far away as first thought.
TYPE Romance/Drama
RUN TIME 105 Minutes

The Brylcreem Boys [1999]
Terence Ryan
Guerilla Films, VHS Tape, 05 June, 2000
List Price: £9.99
Used Price: £4.24
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The Brylcreem Boys [1999]
Terence Ryan
Guerilla Films, DVD, 05 March, 2007
List Price: £9.99
New Price: £9.99
Used Price: £3.99
Third Party Price: £4.43
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The Brylcreem Boys [1999] (NTSC)
Terence Ryan
Fox Lorber, DVD, 05 July, 2000
Used Price: £23.20
Third Party Price: £26.00
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