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Everybody Loves Sunshine (Busted)

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Everyone Loves Sunshine (Busted) Everyone Loves Sunshine (Busted)

PRODUCER Joanne Reay, Simon Johnson, Guy Collins, Heather Playford Denman, Bjorg Veland
DIRECTOR Andrew Goth
STARRING Goldie, David Bowie, Rachel Shelley, Andrew Goth, Cling Dyer, Sarah Shackleton.
FILMED February/March 1998
Two gang lords have just been released from prison, but while they have been gone others have come to power and in a world of control and revenge someone has to lose out. For ex-con Terry nothing is more important than his territory and wish to dominate the city's gangs. Things are different for ex-con Ray, who is tired of the gang lifestyle and wants to go straight, cutting into the local music and club scene. Things are never that easy and Terry, an obsessive manipulator, is not about to let Ray leave. With both sides driven to the boundaries all that can result is death.
TYPE Drama/Crime
RUN TIME 97 Minutes
ORIGINAL RELEASE Cannes Film Festival
COST £2 million

Everybody Loves Sunshine [1999]
Andrew Goth
Cinema Club, VHS Tape, 25 February, 2002
List Price: £5.99
Used Price: £9.00
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Everybody Loves Sunshine [1999]
Andrew Goth
Cinema Club, DVD, 28 October, 2002
List Price: £5.99
Used Price: £18.09
Third Party Price: £39.50
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