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Suzie Gold

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Suzie Gold

PRODUCER Rebecca Green (Pathe Films)
STARRING Summer Phoenix, Rachel Stevens, Rebecca Front, Stanley Townsend.
FILMED Nov/Dec 2002
The Gold's are desperate to marry off their daughters to nice Jewish boys. When Suzie's sisters are set to marry, she starts to feel the family pressure fall on her. Suzie gets involved with Darren from work, but soon understands that she will not be able to bring him home. Confused about life and what she wants, Suzie is nursing a broken heart when Anthony comes on the scene. Anthony is the perfect guy and just what Suzie's parents want, as the pressure for marriage builds will Suzie go the path set out for her or completely the opposite way.
TYPE Romantic/Comedy
RUN TIME 93 Minutes
ORIGINAL RELEASE UK Cinema, March 5th 2004
COST £10 Million

Suzie Gold [2004]
Ric Cantor
Pathe Distribution, DVD, 02 August, 2004
List Price: £15.99
New Price: £3.97
Used Price: £2.15
Third Party Price: £3.79
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Suzie Gold
Polydor Group, Audio CD, 01 March, 2004
List Price: £12.99
New Price: £11.98
Used Price: £3.73
Third Party Price: £3.89
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