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The Martins (Tosspot)

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Cornaa, Maughold
Cottage on the beach.
Thanks Richard for your submission.

Kathy Burke and Lee Evans were arguing after parking their car in the square in Ramsey. They stood on the side of the road by the boats and swing bridge. Thanks Virginia for your submission.

Hatfield, London
Thanks Patrick for your submission.

The Galleria Outlet Centre, Hatfield , Herts
This is where we first see Lee Evans and the character Little Bob at the start of the film and throughout it. They also are in the centre at closing time when the security guard tells them it's shut.
Thanks Katie Fraser for your submissions.

Jolly's Pet Superstore, Crews Hill, Enfield
This is where the Martins and the grandmother go when they are driving up to Isle of Man, but they stop here to buy Little Bob a pet. They also buy ice creams from the snack bar outside it here and they choose a parrot. Thanks Katie Fraser for your submissions.

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The Martins [2001]
Tony Grounds
Icon Home Entertainment, VHS Tape, 19 August, 2002
List Price: £10.99
Used Price: £1.44
Third Party Price: £3.98
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The Martins [2001]
Tony Grounds
Icon Home Entertainment, DVD, 18 March, 2002
List Price: £13.99
New Price: £13.99
Used Price: £4.85
Third Party Price: £8.15
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