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The Boys from County Clare (The Great Ceili War)

Film Stats Locations Reviews
Lady of Man, Douglas
I took part in this film, as an extra. I was envolved with filming on board the Lady of Man ferry, while sailing in Douglas harbour. Thanks Helen for your submission

Belfast Docks, Northern Ireland
An extra wrote in to tell us that some of the filming was done at the docks, and also believes filming to have been in Larne, other parts of Ireland and the Isle of Man. Thanks Juanma for your submission.

Londonderry Arms Hotel, Northern Ireland
The Londonderry Arms Hotel in Carnlough, Co Antrim was another key location. Thanks Michael for your submission.

Glenarm County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Thanks Liz for your submission.


Glen Maye


Sulby Glen

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The Boys&Girl From County Clare [2003] (REGION 1) (NTSC)
John Irvin
First Look Pictures, DVD, 12 July, 2005
Used Price: £4.27
Third Party Price: £4.23
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