Friday, March 28, 2025
You are here: Isle of Man > Information > Economy > Manx Films

Film Stats Locations Reviews
Ramsey Queens Pier, Ramsey
I lent the crew my Citroen Dyane, they took the boot off and strapped the cameras to it and pushed it up and down to film - I spent the day in the Queens Hotel charging everything to 'film production'! There were other sites used too - not sure exactly where! Thanks Marion for your submission.

Creg Malin, Peel
Filmed at the Creg Malin Peel. Whole of the old front bar transformed into 1800's. Thanks Derek for your submission.

Castletown Square, Castletown
My son, who was 8 years old at the time, was an extra in the film. He played along side lots of other children who had been recruited from Victoria Road School, Castletown to play street urchins. The location for filming was mainly in the Square in Castletown which was covered in sawdust.
Many thanks Janie Kinley for your submission.

Peel Castle, Peel
I was a prop assistant for this movie and remember two locations very distinctly: Castletown, where there was a cattle market set up (and most of the sheep escaped before filming) and the Castle in Peel in the tower of which the director had planned a romantic get together between Sylvia Kristel and Rutger Hauer. The tower had no roof and someone got the brilliant idea of filming seagulls flying over the opening in the night sky. So we tried to attract the d**n birds by throwing leftover fish over the opening in the roof, ending up with one icy cold plaice landing on Ms. Kristels naked skin. And all the time not a seagull in sight - not to mention that the film was screwed up and had to be shot again - indoors this time...
Thanks Bert for this detailed submission.

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