Saturday, December 21, 2024
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The Rotters' Club

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I haven't seen it but I played a minor part in it, I'm the bass player. I think its gonna be a great film. It seemed awesome when I was there watching it being filmed, I advise people to watch it.
Thanks Jonny for your submission.

It was alright, i played a minor part in it as well, they cut out the best scene " the Dickies bag scene" were the main character (Harding) and some extras pretended to shag a bag on a teachers desk. It must have ended up on the cutting room floor though. Great fun to film!
Thanks Tom S for your submission.

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The Rotters' Club
Jonathan Coe
Penguin Books Ltd, Paperback, 19 March, 2002
ISBN: 014029466X
List Price: £7.99
New Price: £5.99
Used Price: £0.01
Third Party Price: £0.98
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The "Rotters' Club"
Jonathan Coe
Penguin Books Ltd, Paperback, 02 December, 2004
ISBN: 0141020490
List Price: £7.99
Used Price: £0.01
Third Party Price: £4.20
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Other Guides by Maxima Systems Ltd: Disney World