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Miss Potter

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Went to see the film on New Year's Day with my family and thoroughly enjoyed it.
The scene's where Potter's drawings came to life were magical, especially the carriage pulled by rabbits.
Although in parts the film was sad it was also very uplifting.
Recommended for all ages....

Thanks Virginia Lawrence for your submission.

The film reminded me of a 1940/50s romantic period comedy and may have been more enjoyable in black and white.
No swearing or violence with good acting from the anglo Scottish/American coupling of the two main characters.
No surprises but the combination of the animation and fantastic locations made the viewing enjoyable without being too taxing on the grey matter. 7/10

Thanks Alan Hill for your submission.

I went to see the film yesterday 9th January at Cheltenham and thought it to be the most beautiful film I have seen in a very very long time. I particularly loved the interior sets and really would love to have stopped the film many times just to look at them. It proves a point that a film doesn't have to scare you, insult you, have sex or bad language to be a great film.
Thank you for making such an inspiring and wonderful film.

Thanks Jacqueline Howard for your submission.

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