Saturday, March 29, 2025
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Keeping Mum

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I saw this film in a closed door preview last night and I can't recommended it enough! the audience were laughing so much they were even clapping in parts! Very unusual for a british audience. Rowan Atkins is fab in it, as are the other characters. This film has a very dark comedy running throughout with hilarious sexual references! I thought it was very well written, with some great twists - not you typical "I know what's coming next film!"

Thanks Caroline for your submission.

I was In this Film as A Bully, Maggie Smith Cut the Breaks on my Bike and I went over the fence. Awsome Film. Go To See it!
Thanks Rory for your submission.

A fantastic movie. Clergy after all are human beings... Rowan is funny... as in Atkinson!
Thanks Saju for your submission.

The best British Comedy in a decade. Intelligent, dark and just so very, very, funny. The acting is just spot on. The Goodfellows are so believable as a dysfunctional family and Grace the housekeeper is everyone~Rs idea of the kind of woman you'd want sorting out your problems, or is she!! Well she could sort out a few problems for me! From the first scene to the last this is one long laugh. Thank God for Keeping Mum.
Thanks Sue for your submission.

Have to email and let you know how I enjoyed "Keeping Mum". It certainly is a funny film and will go and see it again. Also, What a beautiful country the Isle of Man is.
Thanks Rosemary (New Zealand) for your submission.

The scene in the calf sound cafe (Sound Visitor Center and Cafe) was really good. It was wierd because I work in that cafe now! The film was excellent - brilliant acting and an odd but hilarious story line.
Thanks Emma for your submission.

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Keeping Mum [2005]
Niall Johnson
Entertainment in Video, DVD, 20 March, 2006
List Price: £19.99
New Price: £6.98
Used Price: £0.94
Third Party Price: £2.13
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