Locations |

Town Centre, Castletown
Mainly saw the extras - St. John Ambulance, police, nurses - and lots of
"walking wounded". It seems that we had just missed the explosions which
had caused many "accidents" resulting in lots of blood and torn clothing.
Many of those taking part had been "on site" since 5.30 am to have the
necessary make up applied and I was interested to see a young boy (probably
about 12 or 13) wearing the long shorts which I can remember from my own
childhood (and which my mother still has photos of me in!!). We talked to
several extras - no signs of any of the "stars" - except for one actor who
had been in London's Burning. A walk around town showed various shop windows
being prepared - a sign writer was inscribing "13" over a doorway whilst a few
onlookers watched. Other places had been made to represent a camera shop,
records, grocers, a milliners, pawnbrokers and tobbaconists. It was so
interesting as I could remember many of the items displayed (showing my
age) and I should think that my parents would really find it nostalgic.
Thanks Anne and Wilf for your submission.
Town Centre, Castletown
The IOM Guide team caught some of the filming action while in Castletown. Most
of the main square and shopping streets had been done up for filming. Quite
an undertaking given the vast scale of the area. While there, we were informed
that Mon (Aug 25th) was the evacuation of the children, Tues and Wed
(Aug 26th and 27th) was the air-raids, Thurs (Aug 28th) was clean up after
the air-raids. We were there on Sun (Aug 31st) for filming, which included
town scenes and the announcement by the senators that the Germans were going
to invade.
Point of Ayre
We visited the Point of Ayre and were rather taken aback to see the German
flag flying complete with swastika, we spoke to a guy there who explained
about the series.
Thanks Janet for your submission.
Laxey Harbour, Laxey
We also watched some location filming from our chalet at Laxey harbour and
spoke to some of the German soldiers who were actually some very nice local
Thanks again Janet for your submissions.
Old Braddan Church, Braddan
Evacuation of children onto buses.
Thanks Sam for your submission.
Quay, Castletown
The George, Castletown
Quadrangle, King Williams College
The quay at Castletown was used for a number of scenes, the bombing and the
prisoners going off to prison on the tug boat are two that I remember.
Langness, the lighthouse, the tower and King Williams in the background were
the giveaway.
Having spent the war years living at the Union Hotel in Castletown I was amused
when the German Commandant asked to be taken to the best hotel, the George
which is about fifty yards from the Union.
The quadrangle at King Williams was also used in a number of the early episodes
as the German HQ.
Many thanks to John for this detailed submission.
The star of the north, Ramsey is the largest northern town with long
stretching beaches and active port.
The Sunset City in the west, Peel is the only city on the Island. It
still holds onto the past with many fishermen cottages and narrow winding
streets along with a busy fishing harbour.
Cornaa Beach, Maughold
I liked the use of Cornea beach near Maughold for the finding of the
Lancer in episode 4 I think.
Thanks Mary for your submission.
Port Grenaugh
Port St Mary
Publications |
Island at War [2004] (REGION 1) (NTSC)
Peter Lydon, Thaddeus O'Sullivan
Acorn Media, DVD, 15 February, 2005
Third Party Price: £21.44
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