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I See a Dark Stranger (The Adventuress)

Film Stats Locations Reviews
Powerscourt Arms Hotel, Ireland
The pub exterior was The Powerscourt Arms Hotel in the village of Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. It still looked the same when I last saw it 12 years ago. Thanks Tom for your submission.

Glendoo, Ireland
The scene where Bridie drives a horse and cart on a road along the side of a mountain was shot in Glendoo, near Glencullen, Co Dublin, Ireland. The road is the entrance to the home of James Williams. Thanks again Tom for your detailed submissions.

Tynwald Building, Douglas
During the film, there is a scene from the "police station" looking across to the Tynwald building. During the 80s-90s, those upstairs offices housed the IOM Gaming Commission and the Government Officers Association. Thanks Denise for your submission.

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I See A Dark Stranger [1946]
Frank Launder
Connoisseur Video, VHS Tape,
List Price: £12.99
Used Price: £18.97
Third Party Price: £22.99
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I See a Dark Stranger [1946] (REGION 1) (NTSC)
Frank Launder
Homevision, DVD, 21 January, 2003
Used Price: £6.19
Third Party Price: £6.65
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