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Everybody Loves Sunshine (Busted)

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Glen Mill Studio
The Glen Mill Studio, Laxey
Used for interior shots. The studio was transformed into Moss Side, Manchester.

Parliament Street, Ramsey
The old bank next door to the co op. It all looks different now. I remember people and cameras there. Not sure but I think they may also have done some work in Nightlife on Market Square.
Thanks Loulee for your submission.

Rushen Mines

Parliament Street, Liverpool
The scene where ray kisses his girlfreind clare goodbye and she gets into her jeep and drives away was shot on upper parliment street in liverpool. If you notice in the background you can see the famous liver buildings also in the skyline is the tower to liverpool radio station this tower can be seen in a few shots throughout the film.
from danny in manchester.

Thanks Danny for your submission.

Cave Night Club, Douglas
The Cave Night club (Now demolished) They used the undergroung area as the entry for a club.
Thanks Wayno for your submission.

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Everybody Loves Sunshine [1999]
Andrew Goth
Cinema Club, VHS Tape, 25 February, 2002
List Price: £5.99
Used Price: £9.00
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Everybody Loves Sunshine [1999]
Andrew Goth
Cinema Club, DVD, 28 October, 2002
List Price: £5.99
Used Price: £18.09
Third Party Price: £39.50
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