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Come Home Charlie and Face Them

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I saw this wonderful 3 part series in 1990 and rate it as one of the most enjoyable and memorable television programmes I ever saw. Its just so well filmed with a great attention to period detail and to me realy captures the atmosphere of this sleepy rather stuffy old Welsh town in the 1930's in which new boy to town Charlie gets embroilled into a plot to rob the "Cadwalleda" bank he works at as a rather downtrodden bank clerk. His two conspirators two mysterious Italian Americans that run the local cafe the menacingly insullent Bepe the supposed brother of the beautiful femme-fatale who leads Charlie into a plot that he cannot get out of.
I hope this great programme will eventualy come out on dvd...I have it on vhs recorded at the time, but it would be great to see some stuff on the making of it.
Many thanks to Jim from London, England for his submission.

This film is to be released on DVD on 6th august 2007.
Thanks Doug for this information.

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Come Home Charlie And Face Them [1990]
Roger Bamford
2 Entertain Video, VHS Tape,
Used Price: £7.85
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Come Home Charlie and Face Them (Coronet Books)
R.F. Delderfield
Coronet Books, Paperback, 02 July, 1998
ISBN: 0340286415
List Price: £5.99
New Price: £5.49
Used Price: £0.01
Third Party Price: £0.01
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