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After watching this film, I felt that although Kevin Oliver only appeared in the film for about 3 seconds. He put on an absolutely stunning preformance and I hope to see a lot more of him in the future. The mirror in the hallway, reflections of a puddle, and polishing the brass are films i'm sure would feature him well.
Thanks for this rather amusing review. Perhaps Kevin will get more time in his next film.

WOW what a superb version of a classic Panto. Gideon Turner can work on any of my films and Leslie Phillips what a wonderful choice for the part as the good Mr Smooth as silk voice. The Sisters (Hardly Ugly) but nice and bitchy, Lets put it that way. But Gideon email me if you ever fancy a comedy film. Looking forward to seeing more of Gideon in the future. WHOLE GOOD CLEAN WONDERFULLY SUPERB FILM.
Thanks Horace for your submission.

AMAZING!! a fresh outlook on the classical tale. I loved every minute of it! This is what I call adaption!(and entertainment. It did help that Gideon is a hunk!
Thanks Sam for your submission.

Enjoyed the unusual twists to this movie. My eldest daughter is so impressed with it she would like to have it in our homevideo library. Imagine our disappointment whne I discovered it was never released on DVD or VHS. Any plans on having it available to purchase in the future? Thank-you
Thanks Sherry for your submission.

I really loved this movie, it was fabulous and extremely entertaining, and I would love to see it again. Echoing Sherry - are there any plans to make this available to buy?
Thanks Rosie Ewart for your submission.

I saw this film a few years ago when it was first shown on televsision, I enjoyed watching it.

I recently remembered the film and thought I would see if it was available to buy on dvd or video, and was surprised and disappointed that it wasn't. I am hoping that at somepoint this film will be released on dvd.

Thanks Helena for your submission.

This is such an amazing moody surreal adaptation. I never really liked the original Cinderella stories much. I'm sure this is what Hans Christian Andersons version of a fairy tale would be. Will it ever be available to buy? And with such a cast its a crime not to! PLEASE! I will buy a hundred copies! : )
Thanks Abigail for your submission.

Wow so amazing, over six years since I watched it and I still dream about it. BRING IT OUT ON VIDEO!!! I loved the mermaid most, what attitude...
Thanks Caz for your submission.

Absolutely love this version of Cinderella! Her dress is so gorgeous and I find the "ugly" sisters hilarious. The Prince on motorbike also works really well!! Just want to echo the other reviews in that is there no way of getting it on dvd or vhs. I have watched it on a home copy for 7 years and the tape is starting to get fuzzy. please can it be released. Thank you for such a wonderful film.
Thanks Victoria for your submission.

This is only version of this classic tale that I truly love. the actors' play is supberbly credible - the little twists made only add charm to it and I honestly desperate to find it on dvd or on the net.
(If someone in authority reads this - please make a dvd out of this movie !!)

Thanks Emilia Tokes for your submission.

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