Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Film Stats Locations Reviews
The Nunnery, Douglas

Derby Square, Douglas
I watched the making of best whilst walking my dogs in Derby Square in Douglas, the scene where he was supposed to have locked himself inside his Chelsea flat, and it took a few goes to jump over the boundary fence.
Thanks Andy Quirk for your submission.

Queens Hotel, Queens Promenade, Douglas
The pub scenes were the lounge bar of the Queens Hotel on Queens Promenade (before it was recently refurbished). I know because I was regular drinker there and the bar was closed off with the windows blacked out for several days. The actor playing Best was a nice bloke, played pool with us, and beat us at it too!
Thanks Geoff Gibson for your submission.

Pulrose Football Fields, Douglas
Thanks Joanne for your submission

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Best - The Movie [2000]
Mary McGuckian
Mosaic Movies, VHS Tape, 27 January, 2003
List Price: £5.99
Used Price: £0.48
Third Party Price: £0.01
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