Wednesday, March 26, 2025

The Great Laxey and Lonan Duck Race

The Laxey and Lonan Heritage Trust bring the greatest yellow plastic duck race to the people of the Isle of man. Starting at Laxey Valley Gardens and finishing at Laxey Harbour Bridge. Tickets for ducks can be bought at local shops around Laxey or on the day in the garden.

Starts at 3pm, when the ducks are let loose, but can be awhile before the first one makes it to the finish line, dependent on the water level.

First Prize: £100
Second Prize: £50
Third Prize: £25
Plus ten further prizes of £5 each

Mr Denis Goddard
The Orchard
Ballacolister Road

Dates: Sunday 20 April 2014
Description: Laxey Duck Race. The Great Laxey Duck Race. 2,500 plastic ducks race down the river from Valley Gardens outside Cooil Roi to Laxey Harbour. Starting at 3pm. 1st prize £100, 2nd prize £50.00, 3rd prize 25.00 and 5 prizes of £10.00. The Ellan Vannin Pipe Band will be present. Valley Gardens,, Laxey, 01624 862029.
Event information supplied by the Isle of Man Department of Tourism & Leisure (01624 686766)

The Great Laxey and Lonan Duck Race

The Great Laxey and Lonan Duck Race

The Great Laxey and Lonan Duck Race

The Great Laxey and Lonan Duck Race

The Great Laxey and Lonan Duck Race

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