Sunday, March  2, 2025
You are here: Isle of Man > Attractions > Recreational Activities > Cycling
Cycle Route 6 Header

Difficulty: Hard
Major Climbs/Descents: Laxey to Ballaquine
Total Distance: 6 miles/10 kilometres

About the Route

A short route which stays pretty close to Laxey. There are some hilly bits, but also some wonderful scenery. Not a route for the unfit as there are loads of up and down hills on narrow roads. Good coverage of Laxey both old and new. Detours to see the Laxey Wheel and Old Laxey Harbour are worth the effort.

Route Plan

Cycle Route 6
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Ride the Route

  1. Start at Laxey Electric Railway Station and turn onto New Road (A2).
  2. Take the steep hill towards Baldhoon (Note: This hill is steep to start with, but gets easier.).
  3. Continue this narrow road past Ballheannagh Gardens till you reach the B12.
  4. Turn left and follow the road to the right as it is signposted for Laxey.
  5. Continue on the B12 as it winds down to the coast.
  6. At the T junction, turn left onto Pinfold Hill and follow the coast towards Old Laxey.
  7. Pass the Manx Electric Railway stop of Fairy Cottage and turn off the right fork on Old Laxey Hill.
  8. After 1/2 mile you will reach Old Laxey.
  9. Detour here to see Old Laxey Harbour and Promenade. Turn left at the T junction and proceed down Tent Road. Return by the same road or go along the Promenade and up Shore Road back to Old Laxey Hill.
  10. Cross over the old bridge and shortly after turn left up Glen Road.
  11. Detour here to the Laxey Wheel. Take the second right onto Captains Hill and go onto Mines Road, which is the road almost straight ahead. Follow this road up to the Wheel. Return by the same road back to New Road where you turn right. Shortly after you will be back at the Laxey Electric Railway Station.
  12. Cross over the river and onto Church Hill, go under the Electric Railway bridge and turn right. This brings you back to the to the Laxey Electric Railway Station and ends the route.

Cycling Around the Isle of Man (Cycling with Arnold Robinson)
Arnold Robinson
Walk&Write, Paperback, April, 1996
ISBN: 1874754667
List Price: £4.50
New Price: £6.49
Buy Now More Info
Laxey Station

Laxey Tourist Information Point

Laxey Wheel (Lady Isabella)

Laxey Garden

Other Guides by Maxima Systems Ltd: Disney World