Tuesday, March 25, 2025
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Laxey Blacksmith

Open: All Year (Site Yard Only)
Price: FREE
Disabled: Access
Location: Laxey
Parking: Available


Given the heavy mining industry which Laxey was so well known for in the past. Blacksmiths played a key role and so were located close by. This local workshop is still running and providing services, but maybe not as blacksmiths once did.


On the east coast of the Island in the village of Laxey.

By Vehicle:
Located near the village of Laxey where the B11 crosses the A2 (road between Douglas and Ramsey). Near the Electric Railway Station, near the corner of New Road and Ramsey Road.

By Bus:
Plan your journey with our Bus and Rail Timetables.

Take the stop in the town centre near the Electric Railway Station, then walk along the Electric Railway lines till you reach it on the right side of the road.

By Railway:
Take the Steam Railway to Douglas. The Electric Railway to Laxey Station. Walk along the Electric Railway Lines till you reach it on the right side of the road.

Visiting the Laxey Blacksmith

The yard is open to the public and filled various farming implements marked with signs. Blacksmith services can be arranged by apppointment only.

Laxey Blacksmith

Laxey Blacksmith

Laxey Blacksmith

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