Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Cregneash Gathering
(Cruinnaght Chreneash)

A two day celebration of Manx Rural Life. The fields and buildings around Cregneash Village came alive as Island life over 100 years ago was recreated. Crops were be cut with a scythe and straw moved by horse and sled. The kitchens and rooms of the many Manx Cottages in the village were busy with live demonstrations of cooking, buttermaking and even bonnet making. Music and Dance as well as Crafts for the children to do. Harvest time was hard work, but after everything was done it was time for the (Mheillea) Harvest Meal and Dance. A time to celebrate the fruits of the harvest.


Harry Kelly's Cottage
Open hearth cooking (chiollagh) on the turf fire.

Karran's Farmstead
Harvest of the sea was important to the Manx. Learn about Fishing, net making and making a buckie pot.

Crebbin's Cottage
Spinning wheels are all go as Manx wool is prepared for jumper making.

Church Farm Barn
Hands on activities for children, as well as a chance to learn a little Manx.

Church Farm House
Cooking on the range, bonnet and butter making. The rooms will be a buzz of activity as three demonstrations occure.

Church Farm Yard
Rushwork (Sunday) and Thatching (Monday). Find out how to make a bumbee cage and a babban ny mheillea.

The blacksmith will be hard at work on the forge making tools for the harvest and gibbin hooks for the fishermen.

Dates: Sunday 24 August 2008
Description: 70th Anniversary-Cregneash Gathering-the National Folk Museum. At Cregneash 10am to 5pm. Normal admission charge. Join the celebrations at Cregneash for the 70th anniversary of the opening of Harry Kelly's Cottage to the public. A day out for the whole family with a variety of craft and farming demonstrations. Cregneash Village, Port Erin.
Event information supplied by the Isle of Man Department of Tourism & Leisure (01624 686766)

Manx Dancing at the Cregneash Gathering (Cruinnaght Chreneash)

Bread Making at the Cregneash Gathering (Cruinnaght Chreneash)

Basket Making at the Cregneash Gathering (Cruinnaght Chreneash)

Field Work at the Cregneash Gathering (Cruinnaght Chreneash)

Butter Making at the Cregneash Gathering (Cruinnaght Chreneash)

Weaving at the Cregneash Gathering (Cruinnaght Chreneash)

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