Monday, March  3, 2025
You are here: Isle of Man > Attractions > Tourist Sites
Peel Centenary Centre


The Centenary Hall was built in 1877 to celebrate the visit of John Wesley to Peel. It was long used as an entertainment centre for bands, events and plays as well as other local events. In 1913, a smaller adjoining building was erected to house the Peel Methodist Church (across the street) Sunday School.

The Centenary Centre is run completely by volunteers and is a registered charity. The refurbished building was re-opened October 18th 2003 for local event hire. The main theatre will seat 200 people.


Located in the town of Peel, near the town centre.

By Vehicle:
Take any roads sign posted to Peel or the west. Once in Peel find the promenade and drive up Bridge Street to Atholl Place and then straight ahead onto Atholl Street.

By Bus:
Take the bus routes no. 4, 5, 5A, X5, 6 or 6A. servicing from Douglas and Ramsey to Peel (Note the 6A only travels from Douglas). From town (Atholl Place) walk down Atholl Street.

By Railway:
The west side of the island is not serviced by the Railways. Take a vehicle or bus.

Centenary Center
Atholl Street
Isle of Man

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Peel Centenary Centre

Peel Centenary Centre

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