Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Manx Heritage Flower Festival

Dates: Wednesday 22 June 2016 - Wednesday 24 August 2016
Description: Summer concerts-an hour of popular music. An hour of popular music at St Thomas's Church, Douglas. (Off promenade, near Gaiety Theatre). Local choirs and bands as guest artistes. Light refreshments served. 29th June-Regal Singers 6th July-Salvation Army band and songsters (Flower Festival) 13th July-Glenfaba Chorale 20th July-Lon Dhoo Male Voice Choir All welcome. St Thomas's Church, Finch Road, Douglas, 672443.
Dates: Sunday 03 July 2016 - Saturday 09 July 2016
Description: Flower Festival. An opportunity to visit 19 Island venues each interpreting this years theme 'Supporting Achievement' www.flowerfest.im,,, Various, 01624835073 http://www.flowerfest.im.
Event information supplied by the Isle of Man Department of Tourism & Leisure (01624 686766)


A handful of Churches around the island open their doors all day for seven days. Within their doors will be a varied display of flowers and arrangements. All the churches have attendants and the displays are self guided. Leaflets about the church and displays within the church are handed out upon entry, though can run out towards the end of the week. The theme and participating churches for the festival change each year. In 2007 the theme is "Freedom to Flourish" and marks the 17th annual Manx Heritage Flower Festival.


Various venues around the island, see yearly leaflet for details. All the churches are provided with small direction pointing signs as well as banners for outside the church. Look for these obvious indicators around the island.

Visiting the Manx Heritage Flower Festival

A wonderful FREE event with varied locations and churches. Old mix with new and modern with classic. Every church has its own style and presentation so no venue is like any other. This a great way to see inside all those wonderful buildings many pass by and wonder about. Photographers are welcomed and there is even a competition held for the best Flower Festival Photo.

Each church has a collection jar for donations. Some hold special services, concerts, meals or raffles. See yearly leaflet for further details.

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Manx Heritage Flower Festival on the Isle of Man

Manx Heritage Flower Festival on the Isle of Man

Manx Heritage Flower Festival on the Isle of Man

Manx Heritage Flower Festival on the Isle of Man

Manx Heritage Flower Festival on the Isle of Man

Manx Heritage Flower Festival on the Isle of Man

Manx Heritage Flower Festival on the Isle of Man

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