Manx Heritage Flower Festival Competition WInners Announced29 September 2009 ALL THINGS WERE BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL in this years participating Manx Heritage Flower Festival Churches and inspired a record number of entrants in the Photographic Competition, generously sponsored once again by leading local photographer Richard Kinley and supported by Mannin Media. [More]
Manx Heritage Flower Festival Publicity Launch15 April 2009 Hon Martyn Quayle MHK, Minister for Tourism and Leisure, will launch the Manx Heritage Flower Festival 2009 this Saturday 18 April at St Johns Methodist Church. [More]
The Peony Flower Festival Stamp Sheetlet8 April 2009 Isle of Man Post Office is delighted to present a set of eight stamps issued to coincide with our attendance at the 2009 China World Stamp Exhibition and Peony Festival in Luoyang where the plant is thought to have originatedPraised as Chinas national flower, peonies are thirsty flowers and their bloom colours range from pristine white through pinks, cherries, reds and corals to near-yellows. [More]
Manx Heritage Flower Festival Publicity Launch15 April 2008 Tourism and Leisure Minister Adrian Earnshaw will launch the Manx Heritage Flower Festival 2008 on Saturday 19 April at St Johns Methodist Church. [More]