Wednesday, March 26, 2025
You are here: Isle of Man > Attractions > Early Historical Sites > Stone Crosses > Kirk Maughold

Blackman's Cross - Part 1 (No. 42)

Kirk Maughold Cross No. 42

Blackman's Cross - Part 1 (No. 42)

A rectangular slab with a cross Pattee in a circle. The cross show an early example of triquetra knots decorative work. Below the cross are three small circles with the central one containing a little cross. The upper part of the cross on the surrounding ring has been inscribed in Anglican Runes. The name Blagkmon appears and this could have been the grandson of King Ida of Northumbria, who upon Edwin's Accession was believed to have taken refuge with his family on the Isle of Man. This cross is from around the 8th century.

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