Wednesday, March 26, 2025
You are here: Isle of Man > Attractions > Early Historical Sites > Stone Crosses > Kirk Maughold

Branhui's Cross (No. 169)

Kirk Maughold Cross No. 169

Branhui's Cross (No. 169)

A broken slab with the remains of a square armed cross with sunken recesses between each arm. The inscription reads: Ihs(u) sp(i)s(ti)/branhui/huc aqua/diriuauit, meaning (In the name of) Jesus Christ, Branhui led off water to this place. The other side of the slab has a simple cross within a double circle. There is some later Viking graffiti forming an inscription and knot. Branhui is a Welsh name and this Monk provided his Celtic monastery with Water. (The original stone was found in 1948 and is located in the Manx Museum.)

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