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Ballaharra Stones


In 1971, during an extension of the Ballaharra Sandpit, an extensive tomb with large cremation deposits was discovered. Unfortunately the tomb was badly disturbed, but excavation was undertaken by local archaeologist, Sheila Cregeen.

The tomb was made up of two chambers, carbon dated from 2300BC, and believed to be from similar Neolithic origins as King Orry's Grave and Cashtal yn Ard. Ballaharra is known as the best place on the island for Neolithic pottery with distinctive decoration, this type of pottery was found within the site. Meayll (Mull) Circle is the only other pottery site which compares.

The tomb had six large stones set above ground level. Two of these stones had been crushed but the four remaining were donated by the owners of the Ballaharra Sandpit to German Parish Commissioners, who erected the stones in St. John's near Tynwald Hill.


The Ballaharra Stones are located in the village of St. John's near Peel on the west part of the island.

By Vehicle:
St. John's is near Peel along the A1.

By Bus:
St. John's can be reached by the following bus routes: 4, 4A, 5, 5A, 6, 6A, 6B, 7A, 8, 10, X5. Travelling from Douglas, Peel and Ramsey.

By Railway:
St. John's is not accessible by the Railways.

9th Viking Congress, Isle of Man, 1981: Select Papers: Viking Age in the Isle of Man - Select Papers 9th
Christine Fell, Peter Foote, James Graham-Campbell, Robert Thompson
Viking Society for Northern Research, Hardcover, December, 1983
ISBN: 0903521164
List Price: £12.00
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Ballaharra Stones

Ballaharra Stones

Ballaharra Stones

Ballaharra Stones

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