Wednesday, March 12, 2025
You are here: Isle of Man > Attractions > Tourist Sites > Curraghs Wildlife Park
Curragh Wildlife Park
South American Pampas

From grasslands to sparse vegitation. The Pampas of South America is home to a number of rodents, many unique to the region. Waterfowl and waders make their home in cool rivers or coastal lagoons.

Animal Tracks

Current Animals
  • Guanaco
  • Mara
  • Rheas
  • Degu
  • Humboldt Penguins
  • Chilean Flamingos
  • Coscoroba Swans
  • Brazilian Tapir
  • Ruddy-headed Goose

Swimming Humboldt Penguin in the South American Pampas Section of the Curraghs Wildlife Park

Mara in the South American Pampas Section of the Curraghs Wildlife Park

Flamingos in the South American Pampas Section of the Curraghs Wildlife Park

Guanaco in the South American Pampas Section of the Curraghs Wildlife Park

Coscoroba Swan in the South American Pampas Section of the Curraghs Wildlife Park

Rhea in the South American Pampas Section of the Curraghs Wildlife Park

Brazilian Tapir in the South American Pampas in the Curragh Wildlife Park

Degu in the South American Pampas Section of the Curraghs Wildlife Park

Ruddy headed Goose in the South American Pampas Section of the Curraghs Wildlife Park

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